ithome ironman 1st post

Prologue Since I am praparing for job interview, I reckon it's good to write down what I know about IT, some notes about taking courses on…

iman 2 Build a simple web map: part 1

Build a simple web map: part 1 Prologue In this episode we will start building a small web map, and then improve it in the following 2…

iman3 some JavaScripts

Today we are going to show you things about JavaScript, its running environement: browser, how to play with dom, event, D3 and draw a small…

First week to Melbourne

Airport to CBD(central business district) I took scoot airline from Taiwan to Melbourne, with a transfer in Singapore. The transporation…

Day 1 JS Drum

This is the note of js 30 days challenging, and the first days is about event handler and audio element. I am still far away from fluent to…



This is one notes of Coursera course discrete optimization given by University of Melbourne. I'm working on it, hopefully I can write some…


Lalala.. Laravel!

I am reviewing concepts of laravel before doing a part-time job. routes What is it? Defines how laravel do with the routes on our webpage…

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My first debian conf :)

I was so lucky to be able to attend this summer and helping the video team to accomplish some tasks! What is debian conf? DebConf is the…